
(Correct Answer) MPH509 Module 5: CBPR Skill-Building Activity – Part 2




CBPR Skill-building: To help you develop skill in CBPR, you will complete a walking tour, a photo-voice project, and a community asset map.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO 1: Articulate the principles of CBPR in the development and evaluation of CBPR projects and interventions.
  • CO 7: Demonstrate the methods and skills used in the development, implementation, and evaluation of CBPR projects.

Total Points Possible

This assignment is worth 125 points.

Due Date

Submit your file(s) by 11:59 p.m. (MT) Sunday, end of Week 5.


Part 2: Photo-voice:

Using your cell phone or regular camera please take pictures of this place. (You can also take video.) As you are taking pictures/video, please answer the following questions:

  • What do I see here?
  • What’s really happening here?
  • How does this relate to my life/to my community’s life?
  • Why does this problem, concern, or strength exist?
  • What can I/we do about it – if it is a strength, how can I/we further support it; if it is a problem/concern, how can I/we resolve it?

Please prepare a power point with 4 to 5 photos that answer the questions above and tell the story of this place. Be creative. You can make a photo montage, narrate the story of the place, or use video if you like. You can include music or other people telling stories about the place.

The important part of this project is that you help us understand the impact of CBPR work on this place. (Note: the “we” mentioned above is your community.)

For video submissions: You are creating this recording for the educational purposes noted in your assignment guidelines. This video will be viewed by your instructor and other Chamberlain officials, as needed for educational and related purposes. This video will not be posted by the University for public viewing.

Post questions related to this activity in the Q & A Forum should you need additional support.

Submit this assessment no later than Sunday, Week 5, 11:59 pm (MT).

You will also share this Presentation with your peers in Module 6, next week.

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