MNG01720: Organisational Behaviour Critical Review

MNG01720: Organisational Behaviour critical review

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The Article Critique that you write must:

Identify a relevant Thesis Statement or Question from the article

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the article based on the Thesis Statement

Provide your own viewpoint – what do you believe?

Do you agree with the thesis statement of the article or don’t agree?

State your key points and Why? Why not?

Provide evidence and research from other academic sources (at least 3) to support and back your argument

Show use and understanding of class concepts learned in class that relates to the subject of the article

A solid conclusion to your essay

PLEASE NOTE: This assignment is NOT just a summary of the article. It is a critique to show that you understand what the author is trying to convey and that you can show your own critical analysis and assessment of the arguments for and against, as well as provide evidence to support your own opinion on the subject.



The Article, ‘The Effect of the Motivation Techniques Used by Managers to Increase the Productivity of their Workers and an Application,’ by Guney and Gulcu seeks to show the managers’ perception of motivation techniques and how their application can impact on efficiency of the workers. The specific thesis statement of the article is mainly aimed at the need to present a study that determines managers’ perceptions regarding their employees within the manufacturing sector.

 Critique on the Article

It is clear from the abstract as well as from the introduction of the article that the main focus of this article is to conduct a critical analysis of the perception of motivation techniques among managers in a bid to increase the overall efficiency of the workers in the manufacturing sector.  In a bid to support their thesis statement, the authors start by arguing that in this world, there are changes as well as advancements that are taking shapes in a more interesting rate. They go ahead and points out that whilst these changes and development have some positive aspects, for both the organisations and individuals, they have their own share of negativities. Therefore, for businesses to survive and thrive, managers must not only be decisive, but also strong and driven. This argument that seeks to support the thesis statement is not only weak but also irrelevant to the problem that the article seeks to address. The thesis statement states clearly that the focus of the article is on managers’ perception of motivation techniques and their role in influencing processes in the organisation.

Another weakness inherent to this article’s thesis statement is that it fails to provide a prediction of the content that follows in the body of the article. Generally,,,,,

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