C228-Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing
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C228-Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
A. Within Sentinel City™ you will notice a camera icon. Use the camera to take pictures within the simulation. Use the “enter text” feature to add your observations to the pictures. Submit a PDF of your action report from Sentinel City™ that includes the following completed activities from Industrial Heights, Casper Park District, Acer Tech Center, and Nightingale Square:
• Interfaith Church
• Sentinel City School District
• Sentinel City Department of Transportation
• Better Health Clinic
• ABC Daycare
• Sentinel City Affordable Housing Project
• City Hall
• Radio Buzz 96.5FM
• Sentinel City Healthcare System
• Lilly’s
• Joe’s Grocery
• Sentinel City Department of Parks and Recreation
B. Complete a needs-assessment summary to determine the health needs and risks of the virtual community in Sentinel City™ by using each of the following tools:
Note: These tools can be found either in the web links section or as an attachment to this task.
• Demographics Assessment
• Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory
• Windshield Survey
• Population Health Scavenger Hunt
Note: The name of each of the four tools should be identified in the needs-assessment summary, along with a brief summary of how each of the four tools were used in the needs assessment.
1. Analyze the collected data using concepts of epidemiology and health determinants.
Note: Refer to these three sections of your COS for additional information: Epidemiology and Environmental Health, Epidemiological Data, and Application of Epidemiology.
C. Formulate a community diagnosis for Sentinel City™ by doing the following:
1. Discuss the three problems for Sentinel City™ based on the Healthy People goals.
2. Discuss community resources (e.g., Sentinel City™ Affordable Housing Project, Better Health Clinic) that are available to address one of the problems identified in part C1.
3. Identify a primary prevention topic based on the problem you selected in part C2.
Note: See the attached “Primary Prevention Topics List” for guidance in formulating your topic.
D. Discuss how you will apply the assessment strategies you have learned from the simulation environment to your community assessment strategies in your community.
E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
F. Demonstrate Professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
Assessment of Needs and Risks
Demographics Assessment
Sentinel City is made up of four neighborhoods namely Industrial Heights, Nightingale Square, Acer Tech Center, and Caper Park District. The whole city has a population of 663,862 persons with a median household income of 135,104. Industrial Heights has a population of approximately 28,855 with Latinos or Hispanic having the highest percentage of 46.8% followed by African Americans accounting for 13.1%. Persons under the age of 18 years are about 20.8% while those above 65 years are 0.9%. The median household income in this area is $24,672. The percentage of people without insurance in Industrial Heights is 37.5%. Nightingale Square has a population of about 103974 with the primary ethnicity being whites with 81.3% followed by Hispanic or Latino with 3.7%. Persons below 18 years account for 2.9% of the population while those above 65 years account for 13.9% of the population. The median household income of people in this locality is $269,550. The percentage of people without insurance in Nightingale Square is 0.7%.
Acer Tech Square neighborhood has a population of 168,390 with whites being the majority ethnic group with 70.2% followed by Hispanic with 13.7%. The proportion of persons under 18 years is 7.0% while those above 65 years is 19.8%. The median household income of Acer Tech Center is $166,300. The percentage of people without insurance in the neighborhood is 1.5%. The final locality is Casper Par district with a population of 352,643. The primary ethnic group is whites with 63% followed by Hispanic with 24%. Persons under the age of 18 years make up 33.8% of the population while those over 65 years are 6.5% of the population. The median household income of Casper Park District is $80,134. The percentage of people without insurance in the neighborhood is 22.7%.
Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory
The community safety inventory is a tool used to explore the different possible hazards that are present in a given area. Using this tool was very interesting as it made me consider my surroundings from a different perspective. The air quality of Sentinel City is considerably clean as compared to most industrial cities in the country. The reason for this is the few industries present in Sentinel City. However, there is still some air pollution as the available industries located at Industrial Heights emit fumes into the atmosphere. The industries also contribute to water pollution in the area. Some of these industries release wastes and untreated water into water bodies near them. Run-off from heavy rains is another source of water pollution. Overflow from old septic tanks also pollutes water sources. The only form of radiation that is present in Sentinel City is that from intense sun rays.
The parks within the city have some pools of stagnant water that are suitable breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Mosquito-borne viruses have caused a significant health impact for the people living in Sentinel City. The built environment of Sentinel City also presents a risk to the population. The architecture in the older houses presents a risk of exposure of people to lead or asbestos and mold. The people may also be injured due to the general disrepair state of the buildings. The roads are also a source of potential harm to the population. There are some areas with potholes on the road surface, and this increases the risk of accidents. Poor lighting on the streets also creates a source of potential injury.
High rates of crime also pose a risk to the emotional and physical well-being of the community. The Sentinel City area has many common arrests, violent crimes, and gang-related crime incidents. In the crime arrests group battery, reckless conduct, possession of cannabis, criminal trespassing and public intoxication are examples of crimes committed by perpetrators. Although violent crime rates in the city have been on a decline over the past three years, they are still present with females accounting for a larger proportion of the victims. Cases of violent crimes including homicide, aggravated assault, simple assault, and robbery are also prevalent according to data from the city’s police department. The response of the emergency medical service (EMS) in Sentinel City is not at standards that it ought to although it ranks better than most cities in the country. More improvements to this department will help provide the community with better services.
Windshield Survey
According to Davison et al. (2013), a windshield survey is a systematic observation of an area made from a moving vehicle. Using the windshield survey technique on Sentinel city allowed me to view the area from a different perspective. It allowed me to make observations that I had overlooked many times during my duration in the city. The choice of this tool enabled me to traverse the whole area viewing aspects of town that could be seen from the roads. The windshield survey allowed me to examine various facets of the community including physical, economic, and social character. Below is a report of the windshield survey of Sentinel City that I conducted……
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